Normally I meet my girlfriend in my spare time. We do a lot of things. We have many things to do, so we study at a cafe or school. The best is when we eat out. My girlfriend gives me options for meals. First, she suggests categories like Korean, Chinese, Japanese, or Western food. After I go with one, we start to search restaurants on the internet. The last thing to do is just to enjoy our food!..
The most mind-blowing technology I’ve ever seen is AI assistant. AI stands for artificial intelligence, which is a machine or system that thinks like a human. This amazing technology judges what to do next from its highly programmed brain. It learns and develops its knowledge level through deep learning. Recently, I used Samsung AI assistant called Bixby. I was really surprised at its precise vo..
I’ve improved my confidence level by focusing on me, not comparing myself to other people. People usually define their value, how well they do, or what they achieve by comparing themselves to others. But, you never get confidence doing so. You have to focus on what you’re doing and think about your happiness that may exist at every moment. I really want to say “Just pursue your own goal”.
I think I’m more of a night owl than a morning person. I usually do something at night. I feel like I can concentrate on my work better at that time. It’s very strange that I feel more rested when I sleep through the morning even though it’s the same amount of time through the night. It seems that every young person is in this habit. I think the older people get, the earlier they sleep.
My number one app in my phone is Kakao Talk without a doubt. I think it’s not just for me but for every Korean. It’s the most popular chatting app in Korea, so “Katalk me” is used like “Text me”. The second one is Instagram. I use this app mainly to upload my daily pictures. The third one is Facebook. I used to contact my friends through this app, but now I think people prefer Instagram to Faceb..
Let me introduce the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This term means the era of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). It contains robotics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, IoT (The Internet of Things), 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, and everything else based on ICT. So, I think that an enterprise’s competitive power will depend on..
My most memorable teacher is seriously Ryan. I started to take this class just to learn English, but the more I showed up every class, the more I could feel his passion. It isn’t just about a common class. It’s about the endless challenge, the genuine perspiration, and the importance of a positive mind. I learned a lot from his preparation and attitude. I want to be like him in my field.
I’d like to write a book about programming. Recently, I made a blog to share my code and explanation of it. When I uploaded my codes, I realized that just knowing something and explaining it are totally different. I could sort out my thoughts and make sure whether I knew something for sure. I think that writing a book also can serve the same purpose, so I’d like to do it as well for that reason.
One of my closest friends is Changwhi. He and I have been friends since middle school. During high school, he went to an international school in Saint Petersburg, Russia because of his father’s business. He finally entered Penn State University in the U.S. He used to come to Korea during summer recess. After his graduation, he worked in an auto parts company in Alabama for about half a year. Whe..
I’m a finisher. Once I start something, I’ll finish it in any situation. I think that finishing is more important than starting whether it ends in a good or bad way. It seems that only result is meaningful. However, I want to focus on myself and more on the process itself. I definitely believe that everything I try to do eventually will work out for the best in the future. I’ll follow our class ..